Welcome to our offsite learning hub. Explore learning activities you can complete at home.
Learning from home can be a challenge for everyone. Here are some key things to help make it work for you and your whānau. Communication is key, get in touch with us if you need support!

Create your timetable
For the day.
What time will you start?
When are your breaks?
Are there scheduled googlemeets
you need to attend?

Set up a 'home learning' workspace.
We recommend doing this in a shared space.
Set up your timetable to suit your day!
You don't have to start at 9am and finish at 2.00pm. You could do 7.00am-12.00pm
or 11.00am-4.00pm.
Fit it to your whānau routines.
Make sure you are logged into your @rossintermediate.school.nz ,
otherwise you might not be able to access the learning.
Some days home learning just doesn't work and that's okay too!
Literate Communicator - Reading, Writing, Listening, Viewing, Speaking, Presenting
Numerate Communicator - Mathematics
Digital Communicator - Use technology to create digital solutions

Effective communicators are able to communicate using the best tools. They are also able to process information and make meaning from it.

Explore kaupapa as part of a learning community, moving through different areas of the curriculum. Inquire into subjects you are passionate about and make links to what you know and what you would like to find out.
Follow through our Inquiry process:
Think, Create, Share, Grow
Capabilities are the skills we need to
participate in learning. These skills
help us to be a great communicator and
also help us learn as part of a community.
We have two types of capabilities; ones that
help us build knowledge and ones that help
us with our social and emotional growth.